AAA School Of Advertising

Letter from the Dean

Dear AAA School of Advertising Students,

Compliments of the New Year. Myself and everyone at AAA, wish you a prosperous and

healthy 2023. We hope you had and are still enjoying your well-deserved holiday and we can’t

wait to welcome you back at our beautiful campuses in February 2023.

Let’s not forget the numerous and important lessons we learnt in 2022 as we bring in the new

year. After all, history demonstrates that creativity, innovation, and education frequently start

in the face of adversity.

With this in mind, I am excited about all AAA School of Advertising’s interesting projects and

opportunities that you as a student will experience in 2023. Our institution, alumni, and

students work hard each year to develop thoughtful responses to the concerns facing the

world beyond our campus. Your dedication is admirable. Our forward motion is apparent.

The lecturers, industry professionals, guest speakers, and projects at AAA School of

Advertising are always being improved to better prepare you as a student to make sense of

the complex and ever-changing world. By the time you enter the workforce, our “more than a

degree” value proposition will have prepared you for the workplace. For our students who

have completed their final year in 2022, do not forget about our exciting post-graduate

offerings that Richfield, has to offer.

As always, AAA School of Advertising, our staff and campuses, strive towards building an

engaging learning environment, collectively, we accumulate more knowledge when each of us

feel secure and confident to express our varied opinions and different perspectives.

We may not be able to predict the future, but we are committed to inspiring and educating the

leaders of tomorrow so they are ready to shape the world in ways we cannot yet envision.

Yours truly,

Dr. Chris Roets

Dean: AAA School of Advertising